Text genre The practical benefits of learning Anglo-Saxon style 2: obtaining grants Feb 13, 2020 Pamela Cotte 0 Using the concrete example of a unit in the European… Share
Functional grammar The practical benefits of learning Anglo-Saxon academic style 1 Feb 6, 2020 Pamela Cotte 0 This post will look at why adding Anglo-Saxon academic style… Share
Functional grammar Signpost language in presentations Jan 30, 2020 Pamela Cotte 0 A previous post on signpost language in introductions highlighted the… Share
Functional grammar Signpost language in introductions Jan 23, 2020 Pamela Cotte 2 Continental writers often find the extensive use of signpost language… Share
Grammar and usage capitulate, recapitulate Jan 16, 2020 Andrew Goodall 0 Capitulate and recapitulate are etymologically rooted in the Medieval Latin… Share