Functional grammar What is academic writing? Dec 19, 2020 Pamela Cotte 0 While I am generally very sceptical about information on Wikipedia… Share
Functional grammar Generic phrases in academic writing Sep 7, 2020 Pamela Cotte 0 Generic phrases are used extensively in English academic writing. They… Share
Frequent mistakes Tenses: use of the present simple tense in academic writing Aug 19, 2020 Pamela Cotte 3 “Present simple is the most common tense in academic writing,… Share
Functional grammar Double negatives May 11, 2020 Andrew Goodall 0 In present-day English, closely placed self-cancelling negatives are eminently acceptable… Share
Sentences Variations on a simple sentence Mar 5, 2020 Andrew Goodall 0 “The only link between you and the reader is the… Share