Grammar and usage Specifying the present time Jun 16, 2020 Andrew Goodall 0 I take it that the Golden Drugget is not outspread… Share
Frequent mistakes Academic style: being concise and precise May 25, 2020 Pamela Cotte 0 Being clear, concise and precise is very important in Anglo-Saxon… Share
Frequent mistakes Raise or rise? May 18, 2020 Pamela Cotte 0 These two verbs are used extensively in academic writing. They… Share
Functional grammar Double negatives May 11, 2020 Andrew Goodall 0 In present-day English, closely placed self-cancelling negatives are eminently acceptable… Share
Grammar and usage Articles: pluralization of general nouns Mar 27, 2020 Pamela Cotte 0 When a noun is used generally, an article is not… Share